Max is based on the Spot Micro project.
The Spot Micro is an open source project that is derived from the Spot Mini by Boston Dynamics. This robot is an example for a student assignment. The challenge was to make the robot walk with 12 identical servo’s and an Arduino Uno, within a few weeks of classes. The servo’s I used have 11 kg cm torque. If you have the budget, 20 or 30 kg cm would give you more spare torque.
I used a standard RC 4ch controller to give input. In this iteration the robot uses simple Forward Kinematics and a 2 step cycle. It’s comparable to 4 pogo sticks, and shifting balance to change direction. This is not how the real Spot Mini walks. For a smoother movement we need Inverse Kinematics, so that we can calculate the position of each leg in real time.

I have based the 3D prints on the design of Deok-yeon Kim.
The ears ant tail are my own additions. The black parts are EVA foam. The yellow part of the ears are polystyrene.
The tip and base of the tail are 3D prints. You can download the STL files and PDF on the link below.
Music: Monkey Warhol – Times of our life. Used under Creative Commons license.
This project was part of the course Next Media Maker held at Karel De Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen.

I have converted my online classes into a series of video’s. (in Dutch) you can try automatic captions, but I can’t guarantee it won’t be very confusing. 😉
Try out example code below
Only of you have very thorough understanding of your robot, and you went trough calibration ! Code provided as is. Watch the online course before proceeding. (available soon)
Spot Robot controller
Jan De Coster
More info on
This code is part of an online course. Using this code on your robot requires proper knowledge of the platform.
Do not forget to calibrate your robot to avoid catastrophic failure ;)
RC read based on
Kelvin Nelson's example 24/07/2019
#include <Servo.h>
//RC stuff
//RC controller pins
const int CH_0_PIN = A0;
const int CH_1_PIN = A1;
const int CH_2_PIN = A2;
const int CH_3_PIN = A3;
const int deadzone = 20; //center stick when close to center
int ch_0;
int ch_1;
int ch_2;
int ch_3;
//End RC stuff
//Gyro stuff
#include <Wire.h>
const int MPU = 0x68; // MPU6050 I2C address
float AccX, AccY, AccZ;
float GyroX, GyroY, GyroZ;
float accAngleX, accAngleY, gyroAngleX, gyroAngleY, gyroAngleZ;
float roll, pitch, yaw, oldroll, oldpitch, oldyaw;
float AccErrorX, AccErrorY, GyroErrorX, GyroErrorY, GyroErrorZ;
float elapsedTime, currentTime, previousTime;
int c = 0;
bool safetymode = false;
//End Gyro stuff
Servo servo[12]; //array of servo's
const int servo_pin[12] = {2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13}; //arrays of servo pins
const int directions[12] = {1, -1,-1, 1 ,1,1, -1 ,1,1, -1,-1,-1}; //reflection correction for opposite sides of the robot
const int base[12] = {90 ,100 ,102 , 90 ,88 ,97 , 90.00 ,78 ,95 , 95 ,108 ,100 };
//callibration these are the base values for each servo, that put Spot in a comfortable starting position
/* Servo's kan not keep their current position, so we store these in an array angleCurrent
* The target of each servo is placed in angleTarget, and angleSpeed holds each change in angle for each servo, per function call
* arcPos holds different poses , with values relative to the base values in array base
float angleCurrent[12] = {base[0], base[1], base[2], base[3], base[4], base[5], base[6], base[7], base[8], base[9], base[10], base[11]}; //real-time arcs
float angleTarget[12] = {base[0], base[1], base[2], base[3], base[4], base[5], base[6], base[7], base[8], base[9], base[10], base[11]}; //expected coordinates of the end of the leg
float angleSpeed[12] = {0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00}; //each axis' speed, needs to be recalculated before each movement
//stap sequentie vooruit
int sb1 = -10; int so1 = 22; //sb upperarm so lowerarm
int sb2 = 2; int so2 = 1;
int sb3 = -9; int so3 = 1; //only for 4 step moves
int sb4 = -21; int so4 = 19;
//intertia compensation after running
int brb = 1; int bro = -12;
//brace animation when stopping, to prevent tipping over
int brcb = -14; int brco = 24;
int pootb = 53; int pooto = -16;
float arcPos[14][12] = { //2D array met standen voor elke servo, pas initialisatie aan wanneer je stappen toevoegt !
//Leg Left Front------Leg right Front-----Leg Left rear----Leg Left rear
// 0 //base stand
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 1 //lay down, safety position when RC is lost
{0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 45},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 2 //stand back , rease back
{0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 45, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 3 //sit up
{0, 0, -15, 0, 0, -15, 0, 0, 25, 0, 0, 25},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 4 //step 1
{0, sb1, so1, 0, sb2, so2, 0, sb1, so1, 0, sb2, so2},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 5 //step 2
{0, sb2, so2, 0, sb1, so1, 0, sb2, so2, 0, sb1, so1},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 6 //step 3
{0, sb3, so3, 0, sb1, so1, 0, sb3, so3, 0, sb1 , so1 },
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 7 //step 4
{0, sb4, so4, 0, sb2, so2, 0, sb3, so3, 0, sb2, so2},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 8 //stand turn
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 9 //break forward
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, sb1/3, so1/3, 0, sb1/3, so1/3},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 10 //break backward
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, brb, bro, 0, brb, bro },
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 11 //brace
{0, brcb, brco, 0, brcb, brco, 0, brcb, brco, 0, brcb, brco},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 12 //sniff
{0, brcb, brco, 0, brcb, brco, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
// 13 //raise
{0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, brcb, brco, 0, brcb, brco}
//shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down shldr up down
bool zitten = false; //is Spot sitting down?
bool moving = false; //is Spot moving? then we should wait
bool staan = false; //is Spot standing?
bool movingforward = false; //is Spot moving forward?
bool movingbackward = false; //is Spot moving backward?
bool jumped = false; //did Spot jump?
bool sniffing = false; //is Spot sniffing?
bool raised = false; //is Spot looking up?
int draaihoek = 0; //left right
int tilthoek = 0; // up down
int fspeed = 0; //speed
int currentstep = 1;
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // Initialize comunication
Wire.beginTransmission(MPU); // Start communication with MPU6050 // MPU=0x68
Wire.write(0x6B); // Talk to the register 6B
Wire.write(0x00); // Make reset - place a 0 into the 6B register
Wire.endTransmission(true); //end the transmission
//pinMode(1, OUTPUT); //1 when pin available connect this to a relay for extra safety
//digitalWrite(1, LOW);
setTargets(1,10); //go to lay down, without filling target arrays
//digitalWrite(1, HIGH); //start motors with relay
setTargets(1,10); //go to lay down
zitten = true;
void loop() {
checkRC(); //read RC
draaihoek = ch_0/40;
fspeed = -ch_1/25;
tilthoek = ch_3/20;
//walking? switch step 1 and 2
if(abs(ch_1)>40 && !zitten && currentstep==1){
movingforward = true;
movingbackward = true;
currentstep = 2;
else if(abs(ch_1)>40 && !zitten && currentstep==2){
movingforward = true;
movingbackward = true;
currentstep = 1;
//not walking ?
if(ch_2>0){ //gaat channel 2 boven 0?
if(zitten){ //Spot sits? stand
zitten = false;
else{ //Spot not sitting? go to stand
zitten = false;
if(abs(draaihoek)>2 && !zitten){
movingforward = false;
else if(movingbackward){
movingbackward = false;
if(ch_2<-100 && !zitten){ //gaat channel 2 onder -100?
zitten = true;
anim_zit(); // Spot sit
else if(ch_2<-200 && zitten){ //gaat channel 2 onder -200?
anim_lig(); //Spot lay down
else if(ch_2>220 && !jumped){ //gaat channel 2 boven 200?
anim_jump(); //Spot jump
jumped = true;
else if(ch_2<200){
jumped = false;
if(ch_3>220 && !sniffing && !zitten){
sniffing = true;
else if(ch_3<200){
sniffing = false;
if(ch_3<-200 && !raised && !zitten){
raised = true;
else if(ch_3>-180){
raised = false;
else if(ch_2<-200){ //leave safety by going to sitting
zitten= true;
safetymode = false;
void forwardarray(){ //adjust angles accoridng to input
int comp = -draaihoek*0.9;
if(fspeed>0){ //
sb1 = -10-abs(fspeed/1.5); so1 = 22-abs(fspeed/1.5);
sb2 = 2-abs(fspeed/1.5); so2 = 1-abs(fspeed/1.5);
}else{ //achteruit niet te snel
sb1 = -10-abs(fspeed/3); so1 = 22-abs(fspeed/3);
sb2 = 2-abs(fspeed/3); so2 = 1-abs(fspeed/3);
arcPos[4][1] = sb1-draaihoek; arcPos[4][2] = so1-draaihoek-comp; arcPos[4][4] = sb2+fspeed+draaihoek; arcPos[4][5] = so2+draaihoek+comp+fspeed/2; arcPos[4][7] = sb1+draaihoek; arcPos[4][8] = so1+draaihoek+comp; arcPos[4][10] = sb2+fspeed-draaihoek; arcPos[4][11] = so2+fspeed/2-draaihoek+comp;
arcPos[5][1] = sb2+fspeed-draaihoek; arcPos[5][2] = so2+fspeed/2-draaihoek-comp; arcPos[5][4] = sb1+draaihoek; arcPos[5][5] = so1+draaihoek+comp; arcPos[5][7] = sb2+fspeed+draaihoek; arcPos[5][8] = so2+fspeed/2+draaihoek+comp; arcPos[5][10] = sb1-draaihoek; arcPos[5][11] = so1-draaihoek+comp;
void turnarray(){ //adjust angles accoridng to input
int comp = -draaihoek*0.9;
arcPos[4][0] = 0; arcPos[4][3] = -draaihoek; arcPos[4][6] = 0; arcPos[4][9] = draaihoek;
arcPos[5][0] = -draaihoek; arcPos[5][3] = 0; arcPos[5][6] = draaihoek; arcPos[5][9] = 0;
arcPos[8][0] = -draaihoek;
arcPos[8][1] = -draaihoek;
arcPos[8][2] = -draaihoek-comp;
arcPos[8][3] = -draaihoek;
arcPos[8][4] = draaihoek;
arcPos[8][5] = draaihoek+comp;
arcPos[8][6] = draaihoek;
arcPos[8][7] = draaihoek;
arcPos[8][8] = draaihoek+comp;
arcPos[8][9] = draaihoek;
arcPos[8][10] = -draaihoek;
arcPos[8][11] = -draaihoek-comp;
void anim_standup(){ //sit up, back first, then front legs
void anim_lig(){ //lay down
void anim_zit(){ //sit
void anim_stand(){ //go to stand not from sitting
void anim_trappel(){ //go to stand not from sitting
void anim_jump(){
void anim_sniff(){
void anim_raise(){
void setTargets(int pos, float myspeed){ // pos = row in array myspeed = speed from 1 to 20
moving = true;
float delta[12];
float maxDelta = 0;
if(myspeed>20){ myspeed = 20;}
if(myspeed<1){ myspeed = 1;}
for (int i=0; i < 12; i++){
angleTarget[i] = base[i]+arcPos[pos][i]*directions[i];
delta[i] = base[i]+arcPos[pos][i]*directions[i] - angleCurrent[i];
maxDelta = abs(delta[i]);
angleSpeed[i] = myspeed;
else if(delta[i]<0){
angleSpeed[i] = -myspeed;
angleSpeed[i] = 0;
while(moving){ //repeat function while servo's not at destination
delay(5); //give it some time
void setServos(){
int speedcount = 0; //count all servo's that are still moving
//for each servo, what is the distance between current angle and target angle
//smaller then 1? make current angle target angle en put speed to 0
//if not, add speed to current angle with factor 1/10 adjusted with speed
for (int i=0; i < 12; i++){
angleCurrent[i] = angleTarget[i];
angleSpeed[i] = 0;
angleCurrent[i] += angleSpeed[i]/10;
servo[i].write(constrain(angleCurrent[i],10,170)); //angles are put in the array, now put the servo at right position
//are servo's still moving?
for (int i=0; i < 12; i++){
speedcount += abs(angleSpeed[i]);
//if not (speedcount = 0) stop moving, while loop stops
moving = false;
void servo_attach(void){
for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
void checkRC(){ //convert RC pulses to variables
// Read pulse width from receiver
ch_0 = pulseIn(CH_0_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch_1 = pulseIn(CH_1_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch_2 = pulseIn(CH_2_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch_3 = pulseIn(CH_3_PIN, HIGH, 25000);
ch_0 = pulseToPWM(ch_0);
ch_1 = pulseToPWM(ch_1);
ch_2 = pulseToPWM(ch_2);
ch_3 = pulseToPWM(ch_3);
// Convert RC pulse value to motor PWM value
int pulseToPWM(int pulse) {
// pulses between 1000 and 2000 converted to -255 and 255
if ( pulse > 1000 ) {
pulse = map(pulse, 1000, 2000, -500, 500);
pulse = constrain(pulse, -255, 255);
} else {
pulse = 0;
// Anything in deadzone should stop the motor
if ( abs(pulse) <= deadzone ) {
pulse = 0;
return pulse;
void readAcc(){
// === Read acceleromter data === //
Wire.write(0x3B); // Start with register 0x3B (ACCEL_XOUT_H)
Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true); // Read 6 registers total, each axis value is stored in 2 registers
//For a range of +-2g, we need to divide the raw values by 16384, according to the datasheet
AccX = ( << 8 | / 16384.0; // X-axis value
AccY = ( << 8 | / 16384.0; // Y-axis value
AccZ = ( << 8 | / 16384.0; // Z-axis value
// Calculating Roll and Pitch from the accelerometer data
accAngleX = (atan(AccY / sqrt(pow(AccX, 2) + pow(AccZ, 2))) * 180 / PI) - 0.58; // AccErrorX ~(0.58) See the calculate_IMU_error()custom function for more details
accAngleY = (atan(-1 * AccX / sqrt(pow(AccY, 2) + pow(AccZ, 2))) * 180 / PI) + 1.58; // AccErrorY ~(-1.58)
void readGyro(){
// === Read gyroscope data === //
previousTime = currentTime; // Previous time is stored before the actual time read
currentTime = millis(); // Current time actual time read
elapsedTime = (currentTime - previousTime) / 1000; // Divide by 1000 to get seconds
Wire.write(0x43); // Gyro data first register address 0x43
Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true); // Read 4 registers total, each axis value is stored in 2 registers
GyroX = ( << 8 | / 131.0; // For a 250deg/s range we have to divide first the raw value by 131.0, according to the datasheet
GyroY = ( << 8 | / 131.0;
GyroZ = ( << 8 | / 131.0;
// Correct the outputs with the calculated error values
GyroX = GyroX + 0.56; // GyroErrorX ~(-0.56)
GyroY = GyroY - 2; // GyroErrorY ~(2)
GyroZ = GyroZ + 0.79; // GyroErrorZ ~ (-0.8)
// Currently the raw values are in degrees per seconds, deg/s, so we need to multiply by sendonds (s) to get the angle in degrees
gyroAngleX = gyroAngleX + GyroX * elapsedTime; // deg/s * s = deg
gyroAngleY = gyroAngleY + GyroY * elapsedTime;
yaw = yaw + GyroZ * elapsedTime;
// Complementary filter - combine acceleromter and gyro angle values
roll = 0.96 * gyroAngleX + 0.04 * accAngleX;
pitch = 0.96 * gyroAngleY + 0.04 * accAngleY;
// // Print the values on the serial monitor
// Serial.print(roll);
// Serial.print("/");
// Serial.print(pitch);
// Serial.print("/");
// Serial.println(yaw);
safetymode = true;
safetymode = true;
safetymode = true;
void calculate_IMU_error() {
// We can call this funtion in the setup section to calculate the accelerometer and gyro data error. From here we will get the error values used in the above equations printed on the Serial Monitor.
// Note that we should place the IMU flat in order to get the proper values, so that we then can the correct values
// Read accelerometer values 200 times
while (c < 200) {
Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true);
AccX = ( << 8 | / 16384.0 ;
AccY = ( << 8 | / 16384.0 ;
AccZ = ( << 8 | / 16384.0 ;
// Sum all readings
AccErrorX = AccErrorX + ((atan((AccY) / sqrt(pow((AccX), 2) + pow((AccZ), 2))) * 180 / PI));
AccErrorY = AccErrorY + ((atan(-1 * (AccX) / sqrt(pow((AccY), 2) + pow((AccZ), 2))) * 180 / PI));
//Divide the sum by 200 to get the error value
AccErrorX = AccErrorX / 200;
AccErrorY = AccErrorY / 200;
c = 0;
// Read gyro values 200 times
while (c < 200) {
Wire.requestFrom(MPU, 6, true);
GyroX = << 8 |;
GyroY = << 8 |;
GyroZ = << 8 |;
// Sum all readings
GyroErrorX = GyroErrorX + (GyroX / 131.0);
GyroErrorY = GyroErrorY + (GyroY / 131.0);
GyroErrorZ = GyroErrorZ + (GyroZ / 131.0);
//Divide the sum by 200 to get the error value
GyroErrorX = GyroErrorX / 200;
GyroErrorY = GyroErrorY / 200;
GyroErrorZ = GyroErrorZ / 200;
// Print the error values on the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("AccErrorX: ");
Serial.print("AccErrorY: ");
Serial.print("GyroErrorX: ");
Serial.print("GyroErrorY: ");
Serial.print("GyroErrorZ: ");