Gazer is a master in many different Martial Arts. His special power is called “The Gaze”, a very dense and focused beam of attention towards his opponent or any other object he wishes to intimidate. Gazer was a Secret Santa project. He found a new home with a jiu jitsu fan in Mechelen. Gazer’s costume is inspired by the “Neo vs Morpheus” fight scene from The Matrix. Gazer comes with his own tatami, to protect surfaces from the intense grip of his sandals.

Gazer can take different positions. His arms and legs can bend with the application of light pressure.
Gazer can be powered from any standard USB port.
Gazer is neither a toy nor a standard light fixture. It is a custom artwork. Never leave Gazer unattended when the light is switched on. His head can become hot. Gazer is not suitable as a toy for children.